Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I haven't been able to swim in some of the prettiest ocean h20 I've ever seen because there are TONS of stupid jellyfish. We rented a party boat the other day and one of the guys in our group got stung- and now I'm a big fat scardy-cat. Booo
In other news... I am 24 years old and horrible at all things responsible. I have failed to pay one of my bills for the past 3 months... the problem is: I had no idea. It wasn't something that I put off, or "ignored" I just plain forgot. Someone help! hahaha
Oh geez. Moving on.......
Favorite musician of the week:
Matt Papa- He is leading worship here at SuperWow and his heart is legit. You should check out his stuff.
Ok I'm done.

Monday, June 23, 2008

McGuire's Restrooms

We have a friend here with us in Fl. Her name is Barbra and she is from Mexico. The 4 of us went out to lunch the other day at this really cool restaurant called McGuires here in Destin. It is an Irish pub of sorts and has nearly a million dollar bills hanging from the ceiling.
The restrooms are a little tricky if you don't pay close attention... Barbra and I almost made a bashful error when a waitress walked by and saved us. watch this video.

Busted van

I played at Atlanta Fest this sat and the show was great. I love playing with Nathan, Albert and Kadar... there was one problem. See, I am in FL so I drove up on my own and met them there. As they pulled in to the festival from Nashville, they couldn't get the van to go in reverse. We had to have it towed to a shop, only to find out.................................................................................... I need a new transmission.
So, your prayers please. Not sure how I am going to pay for it yet. But God provides-He always has, and I know He will be faithful to again. I have complete peace about that. I will keep you posted as to how He does it this time!

crazy friends=fun times

I am in Destin, Fl with some friends. The friday night we decided to go to an outdoor shopping center to have a lil fun with the general public.
The recipe for fun looked a little something like this:
1 fog horn
15 creative people
and 1000 strangers

We played follow the leader along the sidewalks in front of the shops. It began with just the 15 in my group, but we invited willing strangers to join in and by the end of our parade, we had 40 people!!!!! We also played duck duck goose in the middle of the food court and had a couple of brave soles join in, but the bystanders out numbered the participants.
My favorite "activity" though was a little game we made up with the fog horn. There was music playing along the sidewalks through speakers that were "disguised" as rocks. As "Roxanne" was blaring from those speakers, 15 of us danced down the pedestrian infested sidewalks. When Brock would blow the fog horn, that was our cue to FREEZE mid-fly-dance move. When he blew it a 2nd time we could unfreeze and go about our retro, improv dancing. Sometimes we would hold for seconds... sometimes minutes- either way, I suck at keeping a straight face.

I share this with you to prove a point. We had so much fun!
Fog horn: $5
Laughing so hard while making tons of new friends: Priceless

You don't have to break the bank to have a good time. Be creative and impulsive.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Children 18:3

Oh one more thing.... If you haven't already, you have to check out Children 18:3. They are a 3 piece, brother sister brother trio on tooth and nail. It is the best record I have picked up in a loooong time. Support them.
thats all

Here We Go!

I am blogging for the first time.
Not sure how I feel about it.... but I really trust some people who have advised me that it is the thing of the future, so here we go!
Currently I am in Florida on the beach helping some of the coolest people in the world.... the great Brock and Auny Gill! Check out his Blog at
They have a magic show that you cannot live without seeing! okay, that may be dramatic, but it is close to that good! Check out his new dvd and pay close attention to the bearded lady.... I think she would make a cute couple with the sword swallower ;)
I have a sunburn because I am in Florida and the sun it hot here. I thought I would try all natural burts bees wax sun lotion, but it washed off in the water... oops
Thats all I got for you....
Oh... I have a green innertube that I love.