Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Everyday Life

Last night I went to a dinner party at my neighbor Kate's house. We had fun. I ate way too much junk food, got a little too hyper and was on a social high from meeting new people and catching up with old friends. Thankfully, I slept really well after I crashed ;) I just got off an 8 hour shift at starbucks. I am doing my best to remain positive about that place, and thankful for their flexability etc etc but I am so ready to be outta there!
Soon.... hopefully soon.
Thats all ;)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Video Shoot Behind the Scenes

Here is a little glimpse behind the scenes of the the video shoot. I had a blast, and I can't wait to see the actual video, but for now- this is a little of what we did for 10 or 12 hours ;) I'll keep you posted on the actual video ;)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Video Shoot

My first ever video shoot is tomorrow. I got my hair dyed yesterday and it took 4 and a half hours!!!! I have so much hair! My goal is to eventually make my way to platinum, but thats going to take a few more goes at it. Right now I am laying out clothes and wigs and shoes and jackets etc for the video tomorrow... Should be interesting. I will keep you posted and keep your eye out for the video ;)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ahhhh its been a while...

So I have been to Florida and Texas without giving you an update!!! Oh man, I stink. Well, its been a blast as always. I posted some new pictures on my myspace (www.stephanieisagirl.com) and I will put some videos up soon... they are funny, but not on purpose ;)
One funny story:
I found this bright red lipgloss at a truckstop on I-40, and thought I'd try it out for one of the shows in Florida. Well, it was hot, and I was sweating, so the "lipstick" started to bleed onto my face. Then, when I took the stage and started eating the mic... I proceeded to smear the remaining bright red all over my face. When I needed the guys to kill time for me for a second while I tied my shoe... they decided to call a spade a spade and point it out to the audience, so anyone who may have not noticed already could enjoy my jocker-esk face!
We had a good laugh.
Ok. I will be back soon and let you know more.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

You should look at this...

This is my friend Ruben. He is a kick-tail bass player, but he is also an amazing photographer... check it out! Support a brother!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pray for Haiti!

Mark gives you more information in this video. Please pray and do whatever you can for Haiti...

Make Up Your Own Super Hero Day

August doesn't have a holiday, so we invented one! Make-up-your-own-super-hero-day! We gathered at a local mexican restaurant dressed as our own super-hero. We had to come with a super power and a story... I was Cupcake Lady, and I was accompanied by cupcake man. We had the power make cupcakes instantly appear. The cupcakes held the power of good and evil, depending on the situation... Afterwards, we all had our own parade with candy and everything! Brock brought his flatbed trailor with hay, and we rode around downtown franklin throwing candy at unassuming pedestrians. We even passed a cop and he just waved hahahaha. Oh I love my friends! Check out some pictures and videos ;)