Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Make Up Your Own Super Hero Day

August doesn't have a holiday, so we invented one! Make-up-your-own-super-hero-day! We gathered at a local mexican restaurant dressed as our own super-hero. We had to come with a super power and a story... I was Cupcake Lady, and I was accompanied by cupcake man. We had the power make cupcakes instantly appear. The cupcakes held the power of good and evil, depending on the situation... Afterwards, we all had our own parade with candy and everything! Brock brought his flatbed trailor with hay, and we rode around downtown franklin throwing candy at unassuming pedestrians. We even passed a cop and he just waved hahahaha. Oh I love my friends! Check out some pictures and videos ;)

1 comment:

Mandy said...

We were laughing very hard at your laughing. I am pretty sure you squeaked a few time too.