Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Packing for WINTERJAM

Hello everybody!
Tonight I had chocolate with my friend's because it is Brock Gill's birthday. It was a good celebration to a long day! I spoke and sang at the Warner Brothers sales conference, then drove the van over to the WinterJam loading spot. The merch bins Emily packed up weighed about 150 lbs each, and my manager Glenda and I unloaded them in the rain... BOO! Thankfully the production manager was there and we had a hand, and I'm not complaining- I am so thankful they are hauling those things around so we can have a little more space to spread out in the van, since I am the only artist not on a bus ;)
Tomorrow Emily and I will leave here, swing by Gotee (my record label), swing by starbucks and say goodbye to our roommate that is working early and head to Kadar's (my drummer) house for one last rehearsal. Once we polish the show, we will drive to Roanoke, VA and spend the night there with some friends. I am of course excited, but I'm also a little unsure as to what to expect. I have had so much help getting prepared for this tour, so many people investing in me and praying for me, and now its do or die time. It's either going to all be worth it, or I'm going to fall flat on my face under the watchful eye of my childhood idol. No pressure ;) Ok, maybe I'm being dramatic- It is exciting, and a perfect season to rely entirely on my God to provide and take control.
Packing on the other hand... oh brother. I have no idea what to take! This whole "planning ahead" is hard for me. I like to throw a whole bunch of stuff in a bag and decide along the way. I "feel out" my outfits depending on what kind of a mood I'm in- somedays I want to wear a tutu, and other days it's a good old tshirt and jeans. I guess you'll just have to come out to a show and see what I decided on that particular night!
Here we go everyone!


Karis said...

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen." (Ephesians 3:20-21). You go girl :) :) :)!

Take Care,
Karis :)

Unknown said...

You will do amazingly! You guys are great and have nothing to lose.Needless to say Your freaking amazing. I saw you at YE. And if you are doing that show at winter jam..everyone shall fall inlove with steph smith! Love ya! ~Sarahbeth age 13

Anonymous said...

I keep trying to leave you comments, I think it hates me. I said I got my youth group from back home planning to come see you in St. Charles MO. I asked them to go early just to see you. I told them to try to come say hi to you after your show. I'm proud of all your hard work and I love you. Is your phone broke? I've texted a few times without any response? I have a funny story to tell you about Layla thinking you are Hannah Montana..
We love you!
-The Morfords!

Barbara said...

i miss you girl!!!
i'm glad things are going good with you. you are amazing! love ya!

i'll pray for you