Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Flying to Springfield, IL

My band and Emily drove through the night again home to Nashville, and I stayed in a hotel in Buffalo so I could fly out in the morning to get to Springfield, IL for the next SKG event. I had a 730am flight, so I went to bed early. At midnight, I got a phone call from a 1-800 number, and I groggily answered it. It was an automated voice recording telling me that my flight had been canceled. After informing me it said "Thank you, you may hang up at any point." I was so confused. I hung up and was tempted to just go back to sleep, but I knew I had to figure this out. I called the number back, and went through a frustrating half hour trying to get someone alive with a brain on the phone. Finally, I get ahold of a man and he was trying to tell me I was going to Texas?! I was more confused than ever- but we figured it out. I got the LAST seat on the only other flight going to Chicago, then onto Springfield. I'm sitting in the Chicago airport right now, hoping that everything goes as planned to get me to the SKG event tonight- but so far so good.
I sat in between a sweet woman from Rochester, NY and a nice man from Buffalo, NY on my flight to Chicago. All 3 of us held conversation from take off to landing, and I really enjoyed it. People have stories, and it is fascinating. Airports are a great way to people watch, and they force you to be in close quarters with strangers. We keep such a distance in America, we need our personal space, but airports and airplanes are the only place where it is acceptable to be in such close proximity to others. I think its refreshing when people take advantage of that. Get to know someone's story.