Monday, December 29, 2008

Well, I flew from Indianapolis to Atlanta but first had to switch planes in Chicago. On my plane, I was somehow first class, which has only ever occured once in my life. It's probably because I wasn't supposed to fly out of Indy but had it changed last minute. Well, on this plane out of chicago to atlanta that I wasn't originally supposed to be on, I met the sweetest, most genuine lady named Deanne. I noticed right away as I boarded the plane right behind her that she was sweet natured. She asked the flight attendent very politely to hang her coat up and the attendent responded by saying it was for first class passengers only, to which Deanne responded ever so politely and quietly, "I am first class." that was my first impression of her, and I was impressed at how she handled a situation many people would've gotten offended over. So when I saw that my seat was next to her, I was refreshed because Im not really the "first class" type and it can be a bit of an intimidating environment ;) anyway, we started talking and didn't stop for the entire 1.5 hour flight, I actually wished I could hve more time with her. She has such an inspiring story and she really was such a delight! I felt as though I was with an old friend. She told me she worked for Warner Bros and that she had worked hard to get where she was at, but seemed much more interested in me than talking about herself, so when we exchanged cards and I saw that she was the VP of video on demand for the WB I said "wow! Vice pres! Impressive!" to which she replied with a smirk "I told you I worked hard." Anyway, she so blessed and encouraged me! She even helped me find my way to the runners picking me up for the show and she instructed them to take good care of me! It's amazing the impact and difference you can make in someones day or life by a simple plane ride conversation! I invited her to come check out a winterjam show near her in Jan, I so hope she comes!!!
Ok I'm off to Springfeild, IL for another YEC! It's going to be my trial run-through for winterjam!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas EVE!!!!! I have a present for you!

Hello! Last night I was driving with my sweet roommate Lindsey to Indianapolis. The plan was, she would drop me off there where my brother was flying into, and my mom would pick my brother and I up and take us back to her house in West Lafayette, and Lindsey would continue to her home in Illinois. Buuuut.... there was an ice storm. Matt's plane was delayed, as were we (because we stopped to buy my CD and get coffee ;) and by the time we ended up in Indy, the roads had begun to ice over. My mom pulled an executive mother decision and told Lindsey she was coming home to West Lafayette with us. In fact, the roads were so bad, my mom didn't even drive the hour south to pick us up, Lindsey and I got Matt from the airport and HE drove us the "hour" north at an average speed of 25mph. The drive took us about 4 hours. Since we hadn't planned onpicking up another passenger and his luggage, we were a little cramped for space.... check out the picture of Lindsey crammed into the back seat! We saw trucks off the road in ditches, fishtails, spinouts etc. It was such a relief when we pulled onto my mom's street, Matt thanked himself outloud... only to fishtail around our final corner. It was funny!
Anyway, just thought I'd share about that.... Now I want to give you a Christmas present!!!!!!!! My music video is released. If you havent seen it here, I'm posting it so you can watch it and laugh at me! We basicaly goofed off for 12 hours and just happened to have a camera on!
Check it out- tell me what you think!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

CD Release!!!! ....Finally

Well, February 12th was a goal of mine, it was the day my first record was set to release. I had worked on this record for ten long months, splitting my days between 5am starbucks shifts and long hours in the studio. For one reason or another, the release got pushed back to May. Gotee was going through a lot of changes including a distribution change- so, we held off. When May came close, we weren't ready still, so they said maybe July? Maybe September? Nothing too official was set, just a late summer/early fall release. Well, it was a hard summer, between vocal nodules, a blown transmition, and not having a ton on the callender, (therefore having some inconsistencies with players) I was discouraged to say the least. I felt like I was constantly fighting failure. The icing on the cupcake of discouragement for me was hearing from TobyMac that my coveted slot on the 2009 winterjam tour was potentially being taken away from me. It was the first time the harsh reality that my dream may never completely come true, crept into my heart.
Today is December 23rd and my record is in stores nationwide! Gotee agreed on distribution under the Word/Warner Bros. Company so you can pick it up anywhere or download it off itunes. I just stopped at a Family Christian bookstore and saw it on the shelf for the first time!!! Check out the video of it below!!
I'm also gearing up for the 2009 winterjam tour with TobyMac, Hawk Nelson, Brandon Heath, PureNRG, Francesca Batestelli and Newsong. I'm the spokes person for some of the tours sponsors so I get to play with a camera backstage and on the road ;) I've got some tricks up my sleeve, so you probably shouldn't miss it! Plus my first video just released! More on that tomorrow.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is: God is good. I trust Him, and I'm excited for what's in store!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

WinterJam/Xmas Prep

Its time to prepare! I worked on padding the bed we built in the back of my van today, and I had my first rehearsal with Albert, Nathan and Kadar for the 2009 WinterJam tour. We rehearsed at my church and I got to show the guys some tricks I have up my sleeve for the performance. Albert took a bit of a dive when he got a little into a song and jumped over the monitors onto a carpeted platform.... the carpet was actually just a large rug that was quite slippery and it slipped right out from under him and before we knew it, he was flat on his back, playing his guitar ;)
Speaking of Albert, tonight was our church Christmas party. I got a text about a half hour before the party from Albert saying "What's you're favorite xmas song, I signed us up to perform at the party tonight" so I stood on the stage with my iphone in hand for lyrics to Silent Night. Who doesn't know the lyrics to Silent Night?! ....Well, ME! At least not all 3 verses ;) I thought it was funny, people actually thought I was texting while I was up there!!! Anyway...
I hope everyone is excited about Jesus' Birthday!!!! Jacob and I got to give some of my best friends in the whole world their presents today!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Still Processing

I just finished my Bible study. Im working on a Beth Moore study called "Believing God" and it is really making me think. She encourages you to calculate the risk of truly believing God is who He says He is. She prompts the questions "What do you have to lose, or gain?" And the truth is, well... Everything. But if He is who He says He is, He can be trusted.
I'm trying to wrap my head and heart around the idea of losing everything. Not to be a pessimist and assume God asks us to lose everything we love in order to follow Him, but I can't rule out that possibility either. Take for instance the rich young ruler in Matthew who wants to follow Jesus, but just cant give everything up. Sometimes it costs everything to follow Jesus. But if He is who He says He is, its worth it. We have a lot to lose in America. Our comfort, our status or reputations, our dreams etc. I sense a new importance to hold loosely to such things. I'm not necessarily suggesting anything drastic externally, but internally, we need to be abandoning the attachments of the heart...
As I blogged previously, I spent the first part of last week in El Salvador with Compassion International. Our last night in the country, we had dinner with 2 graduating sponsor children: David, age 17 and Wendy, age 17. They had never met each other before because they had attended different projects for the past 10 or 12 years, but both students had discovered a passion for music throughout their enrollment in the Compassion program. Immediately I felt connected to these strangers as they shared their testimonies of growing up in an impoverished country with little hope and undiscovered dreams until Compassion stepped in and helped them recognize their potential. It was beautiful to hear how they had discovered their God given talents and dreams as they learned about their Creator in this long term program. But because they were graduating, and their finances are extremely limited, their next steps in this journey were big fat question marks. They knew what they were good at, they knew what their dreams were, but they didn't know how they were going to accomplish them. Yet, instead of a defeated, downcast attitude, I was beyond inspired by their trust, hope and dependency on Jesus Christ. I kid you not, there was a sparkle in each young persons eyes. David stood up and boldly announces his plans for the future consisted of A.) Trusting Jesus, B.) Trusting Jesus and C.) Trusting Jesus. It was so easy for them to live in the freedom of faith. The adventure of knowing nothing except that the God of the universe adored them and was going to take care of them. They lived in the peace that He has it under control. They were at His beckon call, all they wanted was to use their gift in advancing His kingdom on earth, and whatever He asked of them- He would supply their need to do it.
I used to be like that. Oh, the simplicity of believing God like a little child. I believe He is calling me back to that place. Praise Him because there is hope for our calloused, comfortable, critical, and competitive hearts.
His word is true, His promises are good, and He is tickled silly pink in love with us.

In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus

When I am alone
When I am alone
When I am alone, give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus

When I come to die
When I come to die
When I come to die, give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world
But give me Jesus

Friday, December 12, 2008

Home With Presents...

Well, I am home from El Salvador now. It was a quick trip, and I've traveled abroad before.... But I've never come home with this before.... a paracite friend! My stomach is so upset. It's not pretty, but I have the weekend to recover before I have to go back to work at starbucks. I have more pictures I will be posting as I continue to digest the trip. We visted 3 different projects, and each project gave us a warm but different welcome. Im working on some video clips to post so you can experience it as well. These people love so well! Also, Check out a whole bunch of pictures I posted on my myspace at
Kepp it real peeps...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

El Salvador

I met Mariela today in El Salvador. She is the little girl I sponsor through compassion international. I traveled from Nashville, TN at 6am to Miami, FL and from there flew to San Salvador. We met up with the rest of our team and headed to our first project visit. At that visit, we were warmly welcomed with signs and songs and balloons. They had the whole afternoon planned for us. I kept looking around to see if I might be able to pick out Mariela, but it was so overwhelming with nearly 200 kids reaching for hugs and hand shakes- I couldn't find her. It was long though until I was standing in front of the children and we called Mariela up. Before I could realize what was happening, she nearly to me already and she threw tiny self around my legs. I won't ever forget that moment. My documentation cannot do it justice, I will have pictures and hopefully video of the moment soon. It blessed me so much to have her run to me and throw her arms around me. She hardly let go for the rest of the afternoon. This little girl was wearing her best dress and she had such a quite, gentle spirit. Oh she was such a delight! I always knew Compassion was a wonderful organization, but it took experiencing the other side of this to completely get it. I met with her mother and brother and had the opportunity to ask lots of questions. It was such a joy to exchange presents with her. She and I had so many things in common! I'm still on a high from it. What a blessing this trip has been!
I want to encourage you to sponsor. Your money is handled with integrity and it has such a huge pay off. There is such a need here! Please, if I can afford it- you can. I live off a near minimum wage salary at Starbucks. May the Lord bless you and keep you!