Friday, August 22, 2008

Feedback Conference

I was blessed to spend a day with my family in Texas before picking up Albert and Nathan from the airport for the Feedback Conference. Kadar and Emily were with me, and we got to laugh. I love my family. It was a great day off, I slept in, got a massage, and watched a movie, then had dinner with my Aunt Kathy, Rachael and Thomas and Cherie and Jeff.
Currently, I am at the Feedback Conference in Dallas, TX. I'm listening to Charlie Peacock speak. He is amazing. He is brilliant. These last 4 weeks have re-ignited a passion for music in me. It wasn't because there were packed audiences, or great sound systems. Sometimes I played for 7 people, humbling- yet a blast nonetheless because I love to do what I do. And I am blessed that I have been given the opportunity to do what I love. No, I don't aspire to play for 7 people for the rest of my life, and there have been better shows on this tour too, but I am loving this journey as a whole. The good and bad together. I don't want to skip this step in the journey. I want to embrace it, and live fully in the struggle, while maintaining a hope for the future.
The struggle comes and goes- yesterday was a struggle. I couldn't sleep because I couldn't turn my brain off. It's hard to be a "boss" sometimes, its hard to run a business, its hard to stay above water financially, its hard to balance relationships at home with the road, its hard to balance what I love to do with what I have to do in order to do what I love. Ahhhh. And yet, sleep came, and it is a new day. Each day has enough worry of its own, and so I surrender each day to the authority of Christ. He is authoring this story, I'm honored to be part of it. He provides, I just look forward to the surprising ways he does so.
I love Him.
So there you have a glimpse into the mind of Stephanie Smith

1 comment:

Steve said...

That's a good attitude to take, Steph. God will take care of you. Just trust Him and do what you can.
(St. Matt. 6:34; Phil. 4:6,13)
