Monday, December 15, 2008

Still Processing

I just finished my Bible study. Im working on a Beth Moore study called "Believing God" and it is really making me think. She encourages you to calculate the risk of truly believing God is who He says He is. She prompts the questions "What do you have to lose, or gain?" And the truth is, well... Everything. But if He is who He says He is, He can be trusted.
I'm trying to wrap my head and heart around the idea of losing everything. Not to be a pessimist and assume God asks us to lose everything we love in order to follow Him, but I can't rule out that possibility either. Take for instance the rich young ruler in Matthew who wants to follow Jesus, but just cant give everything up. Sometimes it costs everything to follow Jesus. But if He is who He says He is, its worth it. We have a lot to lose in America. Our comfort, our status or reputations, our dreams etc. I sense a new importance to hold loosely to such things. I'm not necessarily suggesting anything drastic externally, but internally, we need to be abandoning the attachments of the heart...
As I blogged previously, I spent the first part of last week in El Salvador with Compassion International. Our last night in the country, we had dinner with 2 graduating sponsor children: David, age 17 and Wendy, age 17. They had never met each other before because they had attended different projects for the past 10 or 12 years, but both students had discovered a passion for music throughout their enrollment in the Compassion program. Immediately I felt connected to these strangers as they shared their testimonies of growing up in an impoverished country with little hope and undiscovered dreams until Compassion stepped in and helped them recognize their potential. It was beautiful to hear how they had discovered their God given talents and dreams as they learned about their Creator in this long term program. But because they were graduating, and their finances are extremely limited, their next steps in this journey were big fat question marks. They knew what they were good at, they knew what their dreams were, but they didn't know how they were going to accomplish them. Yet, instead of a defeated, downcast attitude, I was beyond inspired by their trust, hope and dependency on Jesus Christ. I kid you not, there was a sparkle in each young persons eyes. David stood up and boldly announces his plans for the future consisted of A.) Trusting Jesus, B.) Trusting Jesus and C.) Trusting Jesus. It was so easy for them to live in the freedom of faith. The adventure of knowing nothing except that the God of the universe adored them and was going to take care of them. They lived in the peace that He has it under control. They were at His beckon call, all they wanted was to use their gift in advancing His kingdom on earth, and whatever He asked of them- He would supply their need to do it.
I used to be like that. Oh, the simplicity of believing God like a little child. I believe He is calling me back to that place. Praise Him because there is hope for our calloused, comfortable, critical, and competitive hearts.
His word is true, His promises are good, and He is tickled silly pink in love with us.

In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise, give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus

When I am alone
When I am alone
When I am alone, give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world,
But give me Jesus

When I come to die
When I come to die
When I come to die, give me Jesus

Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus,
You can have all this world
But give me Jesus

1 comment:

Michawn said...

wow, steph. great post.

i'm a friend of brock and auny, so that's how i know about your blog.

i can so relate to this post. i always think of job and how he lost everything...his children included. that's the hard one for me to think about...would i surrender all (even my kids)? or would i get all pissy and hard-hearted and bitter? sometimes i get all pissy just not having a dryer and mexican food here in brazil, for heaven's sake. :) yeah...i have a lot to learn. thank God He is patient with me and continues to teach me and guide/lead me so gently. of course, He also paired me with just the perfect husband for me who also does the same things that God does (of course, on a not so omniscient level, right?). :)

anyway, thanks for this. loved it and really needed to hear it today.